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Edward Street leads a variety of initiatives to improve the delivery of early learning services in Worcester.

Day of Play Family Festival

Edward Street's Day of Play Family Festival will be Saturday, September 13, 2025. Our FREE one-day festival features more than 60 fun, interactive activities across eight play areas which emphasize how young children learn through play. Held at Elm Park, this annual event attracts 5,000+ people. A...

Alignment Partnership Council

Formed in 2014, Worcester’s Alignment Partnership Council (APC) is a leadership coalition of early learning providers and programs serving young children and their families. Designed to align and strengthen early learning programs and services across the community the APC addresses opportunities to increase coordination of and transition across a continuum of services from birth to 3rd grade.

Book Buddies Early Literacy Program

Connecting local businesses with early learning centers. Placing books into the hands and homes of children. Did you know? More than one-third of American children enter kindergarten without the basic language skills they need to learn to read . Those critical early literacy skills include...

Master Teacher Program

In 2012, with support from the Greater Worcester Community Foundation, Edward Street created a bold pilot to strengthen and elevate early educator performance through an embedded Master Teacher. Each year, the Master Teacher works with new teaching teams, identifying goals and collaborating to grow...

Providers, bring Ready4K to your families

Worcester’s childcare providers and schools can now connect with families via the text messaging platform Ready4K. Ready4K has been shown to add more than two months of learning and growth within a single 10-month school-year period!

The Early Childhood Agenda

The Early Childhood Agenda is a statewide initiative that is devoted to improving the lives of young children in Massachusetts. Our goal is to provide babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and their families with all the resources they need to grow and thrive: from child care and early learning to...

Worcester Reads

Worcester Reads is a coalition committed to promoting early literacy and reading. Co-chaired by Edward Street and Worcester Education Collaborative, the initiative amplifies the important message of reading to every child every day. It is the Most Important 20 Minutes of Your Day! It started with a...