The Early Childhood Agenda is a statewide initiative that is devoted to improving the lives of young children in Massachusetts. Our goal is to provide babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and their families with all the resources they need to grow and thrive: from child care and early learning to healthcare, housing, food and everything in between. Every family should have easy access to high-quality early childhood programs and services.
Edward Street participated in the development of the 10 Agenda Priorities anchoring the Early Childhood Agenda and is now leading facilitation and action for a priority - Priority #6 - Local Infrastructure and Partnerships. We are facilitating a statewide working group to develop a comprehensive blueprint for communities to develop and strengthen their early childhood infrastructure.This work will inform future policy and legislation designed to support a state system of support for local early childhood systems.
GOAL: Develop a comprehensive plan/blueprint to create local infrastructure (inc. goals, governance, funding, staffing and coordination) for early childhood.
The blueprint will include:
- The technological and physical infrastructures at the local level that support families as they navigate early childhood systems and services
- Ensure there is “no wrong door” for families to access what they need for their children
- Representatives directly impacted by early childhood issues (families, educators, etc.) have representative seats at decision-making tables to address system improvement and redesign.
EC Blueprint: A Community’s Master Plan for Early Childhood Success
Potential Toolkit Components:
- Community Landscape Analysis Tool
- Components Overview
- Visuals
- Community Mapping tool
- Promising Features
- Communication Tools/Mechanisms