Prior to her role as CEO, Kim served as Vice President of Initiatives & Aligned Programs. She brings more than 25 years of experience in early education and non-profit management. At Edward Street she leads city-wide birth to 3rd grade alignment efforts for educators, community organizations and leaders to connect and strengthen the continuum of education for young children and families. She represents Central MA on several state-level advisories to impact policy solutions and systems change. Prior to her work in Worcester, she was the Chief Program Officer at Jumpstart for Young Children, a leading national early education non-profit organization, where she led a team to research, create, pilot, and roll out an evidenced-based curriculum that increased preschool school readiness skills. She also created the first national early education teaching fellowship program, the Pearson Teacher Fellowship, which launched the careers of nearly 150 early childhood teachers. Her career also includes work in non-profit, higher education, and business.
Currently, Kim serves on several ECE Higher Education Advisory Councils, and holds adjunct faculty positions with Fitchburg State University, Worcester State University, and Quinsigamond Community College. She serves as Board Chair of the Worcester Education Collaborative, and is on the Steering Committee for the Worcester Education Equity Roundtable. She is on the WPS Head Start Policy Council. She served on Parenting Magazine’s Mom Congress Advisory Board and was recognized as a national Emerging Leader by Child Care Exchange in 2016. She is a 2018 Leadership Worcester graduate and lead the Alumni Network. Kim holds an M.A. in Child Development from Tufts University and a B.A. from Villanova University.